Saturday, February 28, 2009

horror story at my hostel

This week, I want share about horror stories that happened at my hostel which is SMK Dato’ Sri Amar Di Raja Muar (SEDAR). I live at SEDAR’s hostel from form two until form 5. As Biro Kerohanian and Kebajikan when I form three at my hostel, I know many horror stories at there. At the same time, I have that experience by myself and made students become normal when hysteria had happened.

Every Friday night there are always hysteria happened. Furthermore, that situation happened when raining and all lamp at there would be switch off by own. When it always happened makes me been too tired. So that, I asked myself why it should always happened. Therefore, I asked from my senior that I called her as kak Norly what is truly happened.

She said that, for long time ago there are girls student that live at hostel having pregnant. At my hostel there are two toilets which are at up stair and down stair. That girl has died at toilet up stair. So start form that, it did not use again and always heart sound of girl cried. My senior always said that when the sound of cried are far mean that it is nearby us but if sound is near mean that it is far. This also the factor of why hysteria is always happened.

My experience is when I sleep alone in my room. I am always sleeping on time at 11 o’clock. It is because I must wake up at 5 o’clock to doing my duty as Biro and “imam” at that time. When I sleep suddenly I feel that have some person want to throw me from bed. I saw there have a family live in my bed room that I called as dorm.

Actually my roommate did not always read “Yasin” for that room. In addition, I a person who always read “Yasin, Azan and Iqamah” before I sleep. So, the family angry of what I read that warning me did not did it again. Furthermore, it happened to me because I after treat who get hysteria became normal. From that I make them too angry with me.

Another horror stories is when boy student of boy hostel play spirit that they use coin and blood. Their games are fail that the ghost want one person among them as sacrificed. They did not fully what that it want. This make is angry and said that it would look them from girls’ hostel. But I did not give up, I as human that khalifah I fight with them. “Alhamdulillah” the permission from Allah the tragedy of hysteria for that hostel became seldom until I end the school.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


What is love? Love is an intense feeling of deep affection or a deep romantic to someone. Some people think love is not too important in their life. Some time, they thing love is wasting in life. But too me love is an important that can give support and make me happy in my life.
Some people think love is for a special person only that can share everything. Between to me, love is for my mother, my father, my twin, my boyfriend, my older sisters, and the last but not least my best friend.

The characters of my dream person that I love are a man who is gentleman and handsome man. Furthermore, I like man that always go to mosque every pray time. I also like man that can read Al-Quran expert in nice sound that called “Bertaranum” and “Bertawid”. It is because my father is a man like that.

I like man that tall, intelligent, helpful, kind and rich. I always see person like that but do not have any feeling to fall in love with them. Some time, we do not get our dream person in our life but almost get the characters of person that we do not want.

Actually, now I do not like handsome man but just only like too look. It is because I do not trust man like that anymore. Furthermore, many handsome men that I have seen before almost are playboy.

I have boyfriend that really different character with my dream love. He has similar favorite with me. He is not handsome man but cute and sweet men that I have seen. Moreover, he is not tall man but actives in sport. He is study at University Malaya (UM) in course sport study.

Before I being as his girlfriend, I do not like his characters that like to bully other person include me. Day to day, I friend with him that he is have different characters that I even seen before. He teaches me many things in life that are believed, trust, tolerant with each other, and being as good girl. Furthermore, my family loves him more than me.

Monday, February 9, 2009

my roommate

I am living at college Nilam where is nearby to the mosque. That makes me easy come to the mosque. Furthermore, the location is comfortable which is near to lecture class. This also makes me easy come early to class and be punctual.

My room number is N219 at second floor which is opposite to bathroom. I have three roommates in my room. First, my twin and other is second semester student which is July-November 2008 intakes. I thank to Allah that I get same campus, course, class, faculty, and room with my twin.

Furthermore, I get both younger sister roommate which are same faculty with me even different course. They are course in Banking between with me cause in Business Studies. Their names are Roaznizah Bte Mohd Asnan and Nur Syafiqa Syazwani Hamidon.

Roaznizah Bte Mohd Asnan is from Kuala Selangor. I called her as Ani. She had born on 15 December 1990 at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang. She is five of six siblings. Her hobby is read Novel and collecting it. She is kind, helpful and caring. In addition, she and I have many similar favorite. For example, she likes to eat spicy food same like me too and my twin. She likes too that called catty and micy.

Next, Nur Syafiqa Syazwani Hamidon is the younger sister of two siblings. She is from Johor Bahru and born on 29 september 1990 at Chia Medical center. She also like to read Novel too same like Ani. I called her as Ika. She is indulgent person. It is because she is last son in her siblings.

They also like to watch movie when them have free time. They also like to go home every weekend. As the older sister, my twin and I must understand that they are home sick. At the same time, teach them if they have problem in study. They also always follow me go to mosque. They are nice younger sister that I have seen.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

about my classmate

I come from Muar, Johor. I enter to University Technology Mara Johor end year of 2007. Nowadays, I am in part 3 in group D3B2. My class have thirty one student which seven boy and twenty four girls. Mister Izuan Ismail was teaching me for subject English for Academic Purpose (BEL 311).

My class rap is Khalid. He is from Subang Jaya, Selangor. He has a girlfriend at the same class. His girlfriend name is Syidah that call as Yin. She came from Klang, Selangor. They have been couple from part one until now. They are the only couple in my class.

My assistance class rap for BEL311 is Syarifah Aina. Everybody in my class called she as “apex “. She came from Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bharu, Johor. She is also very friendly person. Many lecturers that have teach me for this semester like her attitude. Al-Amirul also came from Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bharu, Johor. He is new student which is transfer from University Technology Mara Kedah. He is more caring about their friends and different to other boy in this class. He is nine years old. Salbiyah and Farah Irma are also come from Johor Bharu and both of them are twenty years old.

My twin, Salwa Salihan and me, Radiyah Salihan are a couple in my class. My twin and I are study in the same class, live in same college and room. I and my twin came from Muar, Johor. My twin and I are always together where ever we go that from primary school until now. Who know in the future I cannot together anymore with my twin. Raja and Ime also came from Muar, Johor. Raja was ex-student of Mahad School. Nurulhuda came from Seri Medan, Batu Bahat, Johor. She’s house very near from my sister house which is I always visit she during holiday semester. Huda was engaged and getting married end of this year. I was at same group in glass statistic to do together the project of statistic. She is twenty years old. Zierah’s very near to my house at Semerah, Batu Pahat, Johor where is on one way of my village.

Majority of my class came from Klang, Selangor like Nasri, Shila, Sue, Farah and Azreen are same with Yin. Nasri is 22 years old and Azreen is 21 years old. Shila and Farah are 20 years old. Erni Syafiqah also came the same place but at Banting, Selangor. Acap came from Subang Jaya, Selangor same place with Khalid. Last is Azie from Shah Alam, Selangor.

Only Aiza came from Alor Setar Kedah. Atikah and Ain near with University Tecnology Mara Johor which is came from Tangkak and Segamat, Johor. Kent, Azhar and Nizam are come from Kuala Lumpur. Kent is 21 years old, Azhar is 22 years old and Nizam is 20 years old

10 fact about myself

Ten fact that I like and dislike in my life. I like to eat spicy food, cooking, singing, heard Nasyid song, cat, visitor, helpful person and honest person. I also do not like selfish person and dirty place in life.

I like to eat spicy food. For example, fish cooked with chilies that called “lemak cili api” and green chili that I called “sambal toktok”. I like all spicy food that it cooks with green chili.

I also like to cook food by myself. Even I was not really an expert in cooking and my food that I cook is not delicious, but I always try to cook during holiday semester with teach by my mother. She cook is delicious. How know I will cook delicious food like she.

Furthermore, I like to singing like Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza song and Nasyid song. I also always sing when I have performance like Irama rood show as backup singer. I started singing from secondary school until now.

Moreover, I like to hear Nasyid song from Nasyid group like INTEAM, UNIC, Rabbani, Hijaz and Raihan. The most song that I like is “Makam Bonda” from UNIC group. Hear song like this I feel happy and calmness.

I very like cat. I have two cat at home which is comot (mother) and boboy (son). The most cats that I like are demuk. He is too indulgent. I feel too sad when he is missing.

I like to visit many place that beautiful and have history with my family and my best friend like at Melaka. I do not like to go to the place that is too noisy example at Kuala Lumpur. I hope one day I will visit to Pulau Langkawi.

I like a person who is helpful. It is because I like to help people who in trouble. I sympathies look other people who had a problem. I will feel sad when know or look people like that.

I also like an honest person. It is because person like this easy to believe when we give them things to keep save. Being an honest is important in life. One time I honest with other people in life, everybody will trust me all the time. But, if I am not an honest person, everybody will not trust me anymore.

In addition, I do not like a selfish person because I hate person who like that and I had friend like this before. In my opinion, person like that cannot be as friend because selfish person will not care and help other people when in trouble.

I do not like dirty place especially for room and cloth. To me clean place is important in life. When place is clean, it show identity or individual who stay at there. Furthermore, when a person wears dirty cloth, it shows what kind of people.